Machine learning and artificial intelligence have permeated nearly every area of music informatics, driven by a profusion of recordings available in digital audio formats, steady improvements to the accessibility and quality of symbolic corpora, availability of powerful algorithms in standard machine learning toolboxes, and theoretical advances in machine learning and data mining. As the complexity of the problems investigated by researchers on machine learning and music increases, there is a need to develop new algorithms and methods. As a consequence, research on machine learning and music is an active and growing field reflected in international meetings such as the International Workshops on Machine Learning and Music (MML): 2008 (ICML, Helsinki, Finland), 2009 (ECML, Bled, Slovenia), 2010 (ACM-MM, Florence, Italy), 2011 (NIPS, Sierra Nevada, Spain), 2012 (ICML, Edinburgh, Scotland), 2013 (ECML/PKDD, Prague, Czech Republic), 2014 (Barcelona, Spain), 2015 (ISEA, Vancouver, Canada), 2016 (ECML/PKDD, Riva del Garda, Italy), 2017 (Barcelona, Spain), 2018 (ICML, Stockholm, Sweden), 2019 (ECML, Würzburg, Germany), 2020 (ECML-PKDD, virtual), and 2021 (Barcelona and online)..
TOPICS Papers in all applications on music and machine learning are welcome, including but not limited to
generative music systems
intelligent music learning systems
machine learning applications to music learning
automatic classification of music (audio and MIDI)
style-based interpreter recognition
automatic composition and improvisation
music recommender systems, genre and tag prediction
score alignment
polyphonic pitch detection
chord extraction
pattern discovery
music analysis
beat tracking
expressive performance modeling
deep learning for music processing
Audio demonstrations are encouraged when indicated by the content of the paper.
IMPORTANT DATES Paper Submission Deadline: June 25, 2024 Acceptance Notification: July 15, 2024 Early Registration Deadline: July 22, 2024 Workshop Date: September 9, 2024
SUBMISSIONS OF PAPERS Papers of 6 printed pages (including references) in LNCS format are welcome. Submissions will be evaluated according to their originality and relevance to the workshop, and should include author names, affiliations, contact information, and an abstract of 60-100 words. Contributions should be in PDF format and submitted via the ECML-PKDD submission system. LNCS format details can be found here.
REGISTRATION Registration to the Workshop will be handled by ECML/PKDD 2024. Please note that at least one author of each accepted paper should register and attend the conference.
PROCEEDINGS Accepted papers will be published by Springer Verlag under their Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series.
ORGANISERS Rafael Ramirez, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain ([email protected]) Darrell Conklin, University of the Basque Country, Spain ([email protected]) José Manuel Iñesta, University of Alicante, Spain ([email protected])
PROGRAMME COMMITTEE David Dalmazzo (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) David Meredith (Aalborg University) David Rizo (Alicante School of Arts) Darrell Conklin (Universidad del Pais Vasco) Dorien Herremans (Singapore University of Technology and Design) Ichiro Fujinaga (McGill University) Jan Hajic jr (Charles University) Jorge Calvo-Zaragoza (University of Alicante) Jose Manuel Iñesta (University of Alicante) Kjel Lemstrom (University of Helsinki) Lonce Wyse (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) Maarten Grachten (independent Consultant) Peter Harrison (University of Cambridge) Peter van Kranenburg (Utrecht University) Rafael Ramirez (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) Raquel Lucena (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)